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SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications

Table of Contents
Volume 18, Issue 4, pp. 793-1095

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On the Lidskii--Vishik--Lyusternik Perturbation Theory for Eigenvalues of Matrices with Arbitrary Jordan Structure

Julio Moro, James V. Burke, and Michael L. Overton

pp. 793-817

The Matrix Dynamic Programming Property and Its Implications

J. P. Le Cadre and O. Trémois

pp. 818-826

Distances in Weighted Trees and Group Inverse of Laplacian Matrices

Stephen J. Kirkland, Michael Neumann, and Bryan L. Shader

pp. 827-841

On the Behavior of a Sequence Defined by a Periodic Recursive Relation

Tin-Yau Tam

pp. 842-860

A Bound for the Matrix Square Root with Application to Eigenvector Perturbation

Roy Mathias

pp. 861-867

Small-Sample Statistical Estimates for the Sensitivity of Eigenvalue Problems

Thorkell Gudmundsson

pp. 868-886

A Note on a Partial Ordering in the Set of Hermitian Matrices

Jürgen Gross

pp. 887-892

A Unified Representation and Theory of Algebraic Additive Schwarz and Multisplitting Methods

Andreas Frommer and Hartmut Schwandt

pp. 893-912

Estimating an Eigenvector by the Power Method with a Random Start

Gianna M. Del Corso

pp. 913-937

On the Stability of Null-Space Methods for KKT Systems

Roger Fletcher and Tom Johnson

pp. 938-958

Spectral Perturbation Bounds for Positive Definite Matrices

Roy Mathias

pp. 959-980

Numerical Condition of Discrete Wavelet Transforms

Radka Turcajová

pp. 981-999

On Scaled Almost-Diagonal Hermitian Matrix Pairs

Vjeran Hari and Zlatko Drmac

pp. 1000-1012

On Computing an Eigenvector of a Tridiagonal Matrix. Part I: Basic Results

K. V. Fernando

pp. 1013-1034

Robust Solutions to Least-Squares Problems with Uncertain Data

Laurent El Ghaoui and Hervé Lebret

pp. 1035-1064

Locality of Reference in LU Decomposition with Partial Pivoting

Sivan Toledo

pp. 1065-1081

On a Variational Formulation of the Generalized Singular Value Decomposition

Moody T. Chu, Robert. E. Funderlic, and Gene H. Golub

pp. 1082-1092

Inequalities for the Singular Values of Hadamard Products

Xingzhi Zhan

pp. 1093-1095